Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene



Citato in PubMed/Medline, Index Medicus

Organo Ufficiale della Società Italiana di Igiene (SItI)


Rivista online open access


Direttore: Roberto Gasparini

Destinatari: Specialisti in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva

Periodicità: trimestrale


Sito web:

ISSN: 1121-2233



Forthcoming publication

Special Issue  – Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene

The secret of Mediterranean food: How “omic” sciences, biochemistry and human physiology can be applied to exploit the secrets of Mediterranean foods





  1. From Achille Bertelli to Matteo Bertelli: More than 100 years of research and production of dietary supplements based on natural molecules of vegetal origin typical of the Mediterranean diet



  1. Foods of the Mediterranean diet, part 1: tomato, olive fruits, chili pepper, wheat flour and germ
  2. Foods of the Mediterranean diet, part 2: Garlic, Mediterranean legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils)
  3. Foods of the Mediterranean diet, part 3: Citrus fruits, Cucumber, grapevine
  4. Foods of the Mediterranean diet, part 4: Lactofermented food, the food pyramid and food combinations
  5. Modern vision of the Mediterranean diet
  6. Implication of the Mediterranean diet on the human epigenome
  7. Effects of the Mediterranean diet on the metabolic syndrome components
  8. Periconceptional Mediterranean Diet during Pregnancy on Children’s Health and Its Association with Congenital Birth Defects
  9. Mediterranean exposotype: genomic architecture and plant-based dietary metabolites
  10. A review of the Mediterranean diet and nutritional genomics in relation to cancer in women
  11. The role of Mediterranean diet and gut microbiota in type-2 diabetes mellitus associated with obesity (DIABESITY)



  1. Main nutritional deficiencies
  2. Clinical assessment for diet prescription
  3. Polymorphisms, diet and nutrigenomics
  4. Metabolomics application for the design of an optimal diet
  5. Physical activity for health
  6. Dietary supplements in obesity
  7. Dietary Supplements in lipedema
  8. Dietary supplements in anorexia nervosa
  9. Dietary supplements in neurological diseases and cerebral aging
  10. Dietary supplements in retinal diseases, glaucoma and other ocular conditions
  11. Dietary Supplements in lymphedema
  12. Dietary supplements for polycystic ovary syndrome
  13. Dietary supplements for intestinal inflammation
  14. Dietary supplements for COVID-19 management of symptoms
  15. An overview of the genetic aspects of hair loss and its connection with nutrition
  16. Dietary supplements for improving nitric oxide synthesis
  17. Polyphenols and Lactobacillus Reuteri in oral health
  18. Ethical considerations regarding animal experimentation
  19. Methodology for clinical research
  20. Choice of target genes in specific pathways for testing in vitro the effects of natural molecules in pathway of interest
  21. Ion mobility mass spectrometry with surface activated chemical ionisation as a method for studying the domain of water clusters
  22. Gene variants in Eating Disorders. Focus on Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge-eating Disorder
  23. Effects of the Mediterranean diet polyphenols on cancer development